MTAOS User Guide

In automatic mode, the Telescope Control System (TCS) triggers MTAOS image processing. MTAOS then sends commands to M1M3, M2, and M2/camera hexapod with the corrections to attain the best alignment of optical system. MTAOS coordinates functions of the Wavefront Estimation Pipeline (WEP) and the Optical Feedback Control (OFC). WEP processes defocal images and calculates wavefront error based on the Transport of Intensity Equation (TIE). Wavefront error is then feeded into OFC. OFC estimates current optical state and calculates corrections values. Correction values are estimated by minimizing the cost function balancing the image quality and offsets in the controlled Degrees Of Freedom (DOF). There are 50 controlled DOFs. M1M3 and M2 each has 20 bending modes. The camera and M2 hexapods each has 5 DOFs (x, y, z and x and y rotation). Although the optical surfaces bending modes are controlled directly by MTAOS, the corrections commands send from MTAOS contains aggregated actuator forces (transformed from the bending mode).


The full set of commands, events, and telemetry can be found on MTAOS xml. The principal use-case for this CSC is to calculate the wavefront error and send the corrections to the optical surfaces. The processCalibrationProducts command ingests the calibration data used during analysis such as the flat images. The processIntraExtraWavefrontError command processes wavefront data of the commissioning camera (ComCam). Currently only ComCam is supported. Artificial defocal images can be generated by PhoSim. Artificial flat images can be computed by phosim_utils. Multiple (e.g. 5) pairs of wavefront images can be processed.

The issueWavefrontCorrection command sends the corrections to subsystems. If multiple defocal images are presented on input, the average of calculated wavefront error is used for each CCD. Internal data such as the DOF can be reset by resetWavefrontCorrection command. The data shall be reset e.g. after a long telescope slew.

Although not often required, MTAOS publishes the calculated wavefront error in the wavefrontError event and DOF in the degreeOfFreedom event. The wepDuration and ofcDuration events can be used to analyze system performance. The wepDuration event is published for each CCD. The mapping between sensor names and their IDs can be found here.

If some subsystem(s) reject the correction command(s) from MTAOS, the rejectedDegreeOfFreedom event is published. To recover, subsystems whose accepted the correction command might need to be put into a previous state to be consistent with the MTAOS internal data. It is expected that during automatic operations recovery will be handled by the TCS or a higher level script.

Example Use-Case

This example discusses Commanding from Python script. Commanding from other CSCs is expected during routine operations.

After importing ts_salobj module, Remote object, a proxy for MTAOS CSC, is created. The salobj.set_summary_state() call is used to switch to ENABLED state.

from lsst.ts import salobj
mtaosCsc = salobj.Remote(salobj.Domain(), "MTAOS")
await mtaosCsc.start_task
await salobj.set_summary_state(mtaosCsc, salobj.State.ENABLED, timeout=30)

The optional settingsToApply argument of the salobj.set_summary_state() call can be provided to assign the configuration profile (file), such as “default.yaml”. When you want to make sure the profile will be applied, it is better to switch to STANDBY state first 1.


If the system is already in ENABLED state, state switch (and hence application of the profile) will not happen.

await salobj.set_summary_state(mtaosCsc, salobj.State.STANDBY)
await salobj.set_summary_state(mtaosCsc, salobj.State.ENABLED, settingsToApply="default.yaml", timeout=30)

Configuration files (profiles) are stored in MTAOS configuration. Notice that the version number (e.g. v1) is assigned in ts_MTAOS schema.

In the ts_salobj v6.0.3, the user can not create the Remote object in ipython directly. Instead, you need to create an event loop by yourself and do the related instantiation. For example,

import asyncio
from lsst.ts import salobj

async def createCsc():
    return salobj.Remote(salobj.Domain(), "MTAOS")

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
mtaosCsc = loop.run_until_complete(createCsc())

As CSC starts, Model or ModelSim object is created. This requires reading a lot of data from the database in the butler, so MTAOS needs some time to finish the configuration. It is better to provide a long (~30 seconds) timeout for the transition.

To issue a correction to the subsystems, do 2


The value parameter will be removed in future versions of SAL

await mtaosCsc.cmd_issueCorrection.set_start(timeout=10, value=True)

Timeout is specified in seconds. Default values are provided for all parameters.

For example:

await mtaosCsc.cmd_issueCorrection.set_start(timeout=10)

To call an another MTOAS command, use a cmd_*{nameOfCommand}* property. Such as:

await mtaosCsc.cmd_runWEP.set_start(timeout=10, parameters)

The salobj.AckTimeoutError exception will be thrown if timeout seconds passed and the command is not finished. In the simulation mode It is safe to set the timeout parameter between 15 to 30 seconds.

MTAOS (SalObj) provides methods to wait for reception of the event. Similarly to cmd handling, use a evt_*{nameOfEvent}* property. For example, to wait for next DOF, call:

dof = await, timeout=30)

The next method waits for a value, returning the oldest next value (if multiple events are received). Use aget to retrieve the current value (or wait for any, if the event wasn’t yet received):

dof = await mtaosCsc.evt_degreeOfFreedom.aget(timeout=30)

Telemetry is received using tel_ prefix instead of evt_.

Adding Aberration

The MTAOS provides a addAberration command designed to allow users to add optical aberration to the system by providing an array of Zernike wavefront errors.

The coefficients provided by the user are first translated into a uniform aberration measured over the entire FoV (considering the current MTAOS configuration) and later processed by the ofc to provide the data to be sent to the components. Using the ofc also allows the user-provided aberrations to be accounted for in the internal system state, improving the system interoperability.

To use this command the user would do:

# system accepts 19 zernike coefficients
wf = np.zeros(19)

wf[0] += 0.1 # add 0.1 um of defocus
wf[1] += 0.1 # add 0.1 um of oblique astigmatism
wf[2] += 0.1 # add 0.1 um of vertical astigmatism
wf[3] += 0.1  # add 0.1 um of vertical coma
wf[4] += 0.1  # add 0.1 um of horizontal coma
wf[5] += 0.1  # add 0.1 um of vertical trefoil
wf[6] += 0.1  # add 0.1 um of oblique trefoil


await mtaosCsc.cmd_addAberration.set_start(wf=wf)

await mtaosCsc.cmd_issueCorrection.start()

Note that the addAberration command itself does not send the corrections. It only computes and store them in the model. A user can send the corrections by sending a issueCorrection command, and ignore them with a resetCorrection.


The MTAOS uses Zernike Noll coefficients.

Processing data with runWEP command

The MTAOS CSC can be instructed to process a set of data to generate wavefront errors to correct for optical aberrations. This is done using the command runWEP.

This single command can work for processing all the different types of data the MTAOS can handle this includes:

  • ComCam intra/extra focal images.

  • LSSTCam full array mode.

  • LSSTCam corner wavefront sensors.

To process an intra/extra pair of ComCam images the user would do;

await mtaosCsc.cmd_runWEP.set_start(visit_id=4021123106002, extra_id=4021123106001)

Further reading

For further details, please see: